SWOTL SPC File Breakdown (ver. 0b) Byte location Approximate function or description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sector 00 ~~~~~~~~~ 0000 to 000B Name of aircraft 00C0 Aircraft number: 01=Bf109G-6, 02=Bf109G-10, 03=Fw190A-5, 04=Fw190A-8, 05=Me262A-1, 06=Me163B, 07=Go229, 08=P47C, 09=P47D, 0A=P51B, 0B=P51D, 0C=B17G, 0D=B17G, 0E=P38H, 0F=P38J, 10=P80, 11=He162 00D0 00=US aircraft 01=German aircraft 0010 Point value of this plane when shot down. 0011 Controls autopilot 01=none 02=autopilot 0012 Number of engines on plane, ties to 0013. 0013 Engine sounds ties to 0012. 0014 Controls prop graphics on B17. Any number other than 04 prevents prop graphics. This over rides 00C6 below. 0017 Controls the temperature guage of the engine. All planes have a value of C0, except the B17 which has A0. Lower values are better for 100% operation. 0019 Controls the mainfold pressure gauge of the engine. Higher values here seem to favor 100% throttle operation. 001A Number of parachutes from downed plane. 0020 00=Landing gear down and fixed, 01=Landing gear is retractable, 02=landing gear is up and fixed. 0021 00=No dive brakes, 01=dive brakes (May not work on versions 1.0 and 2.0) 0022 01=Dive brakes controlled by "B" key. 0023 01=Autopilot control ties to 0012. 0026 & 0027 Controls point when plane explodes 0028 & 0029 Controls point when plane fire starts 002A & 002B Max speed of plane on dash indicator gauge 002C & 002D Drag 002E & 002F Cruise speed 0030 & 0031 Stall speed 0032 & 0033 Maximum landing gear speed 0034 & 0035 Full flaps maximum speed 0036 & 0037 Partial flaps maximum speed 0038 to 003F 8 bytes that control the maximum altitude 0040 & 0041 Dive rate 0046 & 0047 Acceleration rate 0048 & 0049 Climb rate 004E & 004F Speed loss in steep climb 0060 to 0094 Throttle or acceleration 0098 & 0099 Turn rate 009A & 009B ? 009C & 009D Roll rate 009E & 009F ? 00A0 & 00A1 Pitch 00A6 & 00A7 Number of fuel tanks 00A8 to 00AF Fuel for tanks two bytes/tank 00B0 to 00B7 Fuel tank armor protection? 00B8 to 00BC Selects cockpit graphics and views. 00C6 to 00CB Engine fire graphic for Bf109s, Fw190s, P47s, and P51s. 00C6 to 00CC Selects B17 prop graphics. 00D0 to 00C6 Selects B17/P38 engine fire graphics. 00E2 to 00E6 # of weapons on main, center, inner, outer 00E8 to 00F7 1st main armament string 00F8 to 0107 2nd main armament string 0108 to 01A7 This area contains the strings used by the aircraft in SWOTL for the optional weapons strings. Actual code locations will vary depending on the aircraft selected. 01A8 Number of gun positions on the B17. 01A8 to 01FF0 Information and codes concerning the gun positions on the B17. See gun codes below. ============================================================================== Sector 01 ~~~~~~~~~ 0000 to 0063 More weapon codes for the B17 continued. 0064 to 006A Calls for graphic files for B17 gun positions. 006E to 0075 Calls for graphic files for the B17 bombsight. 0077 to 007F Calls for external graphic PAC files for appearance. 0070 Name of external plane graphic file to be used. Overrides any value in 0080. 0080 Controls which graphic file is loaded by program: 01=Bf109, 02=Fw190, 03=Me262, 04=Me163, 05=Go299, 06=P47, 07=P51B, 08=P51D 09=B17, 0A=P38, 0B=P80, 0C=He162 0091 Changing this value lets you alter color combinations between existing camouflage schemes used by planes in SWOTL. Not all colors will work on all planes. B17 Gun codes ------------- B17 gun codes. 1 2 3 4 5 ?? 6 7 8 9 10 -- ----- ----- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Chin 01 00 6D 01 60 09 01 00 02 00 32 00 00 00 00 40 00 34 00 20 00 60 L.Chk 00 00 62 02 60 09 01 00 02 00 4B 00 00 E0 00 40 00 20 00 20 00 60 L.Wst 00 00 58 02 60 09 01 00 02 00 28 00 00 C0 00 40 00 2B 00 20 00 60 Tail 01 00 F4 01 60 09 01 00 02 00 64 00 00 80 00 40 00 34 00 20 00 60 R.Wst 00 00 58 02 60 09 01 00 02 00 28 00 00 40 00 40 00 2B 00 20 00 60 R.Chk 00 00 62 02 60 09 01 00 02 00 4B 00 00 20 00 40 00 20 00 20 00 60 Top 01 00 77 01 60 09 01 00 02 00 4B 00 00 80 00 3C 00 00 00 04 00 3F Ball 01 00 F4 01 60 09 01 00 02 00 4B 00 00 80 00 44 00 00 00 41 00 7E 1= Tracer graphics 2= Ammo amount 3= Muzzle velocity/range 4= Kill power 5= Rounds fired per trigger pull 6= Weapon facing: 00=forward, 80=rear, E0=left front, 20=right front C0=left waist, 40=right waist 7= Startup gun elevation 00 = +90, 40= level, 80= -90 8= Weapon traverse: 00=unrestricted left and right 9= Weapon maximum elevation. 00 = +90, 20 = +45, 80 = -90, 60 = -45 10= Weapon maximum depression. 00 = +90, 20 = +45, 80 = -90, 60 = -45 Standard fighter gun codes --------------------------- Sample from Bf109G-6 STANDARD fuselage and wing guns respectively: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Fuselage: 01 01 01 00 2C 01 D1 06 02 00 01 00 00 00 96 00 Wing: 01 02 00 00 C8 00 27 06 04 00 01 00 00 00 96 00 1= Weapon type: 01= MG/Cannon 02= Bomb 03= Rocket 04= Drop tanks 05= Jagdfaust automatically fired rockets. (German only) 2= Specific weapon called from the BGERMSTR.PAC file. See below. American weapons have a different weapons file and use slightly different codes. 3= Tracer graphic pattern. 00=single, 01=narrow, 02=wide 4= Not used 5,6= Ammunition ammount 7,8= Range for MGs or delay for bomb detonation. 9,10= Kill power for MGs or explosive power of bombs. 11= Number of rounds fired per trigger pull. 12= Not used 13,14= Drag of external weapon 15,16= Weight of weapon German Weapon Codes - BGERMSTR.PAC ------------------------------------- Weapon code Weapon type ----------- ----------- 00 = No Attachemnt 01 = 300 rounds 13mm MG 131 02 = 200 rounds 20mm MG 151 03 = 1 - 551 lb. Aerial bomb 04 = 4 - 110 lb. bombs 05 = 1 - 79 Gal. Drop Tank 06 = 120 rounds 20mm MG 151 07 = 60 rounds 30mm MK 108 08 = 21cm Wfr. Gr. Rockets (2) 09 = 900 rounds 7.9m,m MG 17 0A = 55 rounds 20mm MG FF 0B = 400 rounds 13mm MG 131 0C = 250 rounds 20mm MG 151 0D = 125 rounds 20mm MG 151 0E = 60 rounds 30mm MK 103 0F = 2 - 79 Gal. Drop Tanks 10 = 100 rounds 30mm MK 108 11 = 1 - 1102 lb. bomb 12 = 2 - 551 lb. bombs 13 = 55mm R4M Rockets (4) 14 = 100 rounds 20mm MG 151 15 = SG 500 Jagdfaust (10) 16 = 2 - 2205 lb. bombs 17 = 120 rounds 30mm MK 108 18 = 120 rounds 30mm MK 103 19 = 2 - 331 Gal. Drop Tanks 1A = 70 rounds 30mm MK 103 1B = 200 rounds 15mm MG 151 1C = 551 lb. bombs 1D = 50 rounds 30mm MK 108 1E = OberLt., LT. 1F = Haupt., Maj. 20 = Oberst, Gen. Maj. American Weapon Codes - BAMERSTR.PAC Weapon Code Weapon Type ----------- ----------- 00 = No Attachment 01 = 425 rounds 50 Cal. M2 (8) 02 = 1 - 200 Gal. Drop Tank 03 = 2 - 1000 lb. bombs 04 = 2 - 75 Gal. Drop Tanks 05 = 350 rounds 50 Cal. M2 (4) 06 = 400 rounds 50 Cal. M2 (6) 07 = 8 - 1000 lb. bombs 08 = 6 - 1600 lb. bombs 09 = 1 - 2000 lb. bomb 0A = Bazooka Rockets (6) 0B = 150 rounds 20mm cannon 0C = 500 rounds 50 Cal. M2 (4) 0D = 2 - 2000 lb. bombs 0E = 2 - 165 Gal. Drop Tanks 0F = 300 rounds 50 Cal. M2 (6) 10 = 2nd Lt., 1st Lt. 11 = Captain, Major 12 = Lt. Col., Colonel 13 = Brig. Gen. All the above addresses relate to those found in PCTOOLS and NORTONS hex editor programs. For those of you using DEBUG you'll have to add 0100 to all the addresses. For addresses in SECTOR 1 of the disk you will have to consecutively number the file from 0100 at the first byte to the end of the file. The end of the Sector 0 (the first disk sector of the file) is located at PCTOOLS 01FF or byte 512. The next sector Sector 1 starts at byte 512 of the file. Keith Heitmann, Prodigy #GVXV90A